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because it can

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Q: What was the purpose of the Pioneer telescope?
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What is the purpose of a Hubble telescope?

The Hubble Space Telescope it used to take pictures of distant objects in space.

Who was the first to use a telescope for the purpose of astronomy?

Galileo !

What is the purpose of the telescope at the Beacon in Club Penguin?

To see if rockopper is coming.

Pioneer space probe?

The Pioneer space probes are a series of unmanned space missions sent out by the United States for the purpose of planetary exploration.

What was the purpose of hans lippershey inventing the first telescope?

He built the telescope because he saw his children play with lenses and he got the idea of making it

What is the purpose of the Hubble telescope?

Launched on April 24th 1990 the purpose of the Hubble space telescope is so astronauts and astronomers and even the public can discover new images of our Galaxy and other Galaxy's and other planets

What is the telescope's purpose or use?

The telescope's purpose is for scientists to be able to look into space and see what stars are made of and what the cycle of stars is. Some telescopes are public and anyone can look through them. But others are only for scientists. The telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei. You can see his finger in his very own museum! :0)

What is the main purpose of object lenses concave mirrors in the telescope?

Magnify images

What is the purpose of the newtonian reflecting telescope?

Gathering and focusing light from distant objects.

What is the purpose of a telescope mount?

Mounts vary in complexity. A simple mount has the purpose of holding the telescope steady. Fancier mounts can have built in motor drives and even computers to find and track stars as they move across the sky.

What is the telescope currently searching for extra planets?

The NIRC-2 feature of the Keck telescope in Hawaii is used for that purpose, though i don't think it is the only one.

What is the purpose of a Dobsonian telescope?

The Dobsonian telescope was designed with a large objective diameter to observe very faint deep sky objects. It was originally designed from readily available components to provide a large yet still portable low-cost option for telescope users.