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The Mars Rover was not discovered it was invented.

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Q: What year was the Mars Rover discovered?
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Did Mars Rover discovered life on Mars?

no not yet

How was the mars rover discovered?

it wasnt

Where was the mars rover discovered?

Well, the Mars Rover wasn't really discovered. It was invented. That was on July 4,1997 in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which is in NASA.

What year did the Mars rover leave for Mars?


Who discovered the rover that landed on mars?

It was not discovered it was invented and built by a team of scientists and engineers.

What year did the Mars Rover visit Mars?

2007 hia

What year was the mars rover launched?


The mars rover have discovered thatmars actuallyhas rings like Saturn?

yes it has

What were the discoveries of the sojourner rover?

It discovered different parts of mars that know won did be for

What year was Mars discovered by whom?

No one knows who discovered Mars and why

What year did the second rover get to Mars?

May 1, 2009

What satellites or robot explored mars close-up and the year each arrived on mars?

It is called The Mars Rover!