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Calcitonin is released from thyroid gland in response to hypercalemia. On the other hand, parathyroid hormone- as you guessed - is from parathyroid gland in response to low levels of blood calcium. Which will cause calcium to be released from bone into blood to compensate.

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Q: Where do calcitonin and parathyroid hormones come from?
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What hormones deal with the calcium levels in the blood?

Calcitonin, parathyroid hormone and vitamin D.

What hormones are antagonists that regulate blood calcium ion levels?

parathyroid hormone/calcitonin

What hormones oppose parathryoid hormones?

Calcitonin opposes the action of parathyroid hormone.

What role do calcium play in homeostasis?

Three hormones: parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (the active from of Vitamin D). These three hormones act on bone, the kidneys and the small intestine to keep calcium balance in you r body.

What hormones control calcium balance between bone and blood?

calcitoninParathyroid hormone.There are two, calcitonin and PTH (parathyroid hormone). Calcitonin signals to break down bone while PTH signals to form it.

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Parathyroid which: "breaks down" bones to increase blood calcium levels

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What 2 hormones are involved in regulating the blood calcium level?

Parathyroid hormone provides a powerful mechanism for controlling extracellular calcium and phosphate concentrations by regulating intestinal reabsorption, renal secretion, and exchange between the extracellular fluid and bone of these ions. Also, Calcitonin, which is a peptide hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, tends to decrease plasma calcium concentration and usually has effects that are opposite to those of the parathyroid hormone.

Which hormones controls the calcium level in the body?

The parathyroid glands produce hormones that regulate calcium levels.Calcitonin produced by the thyroid gland, and PTH produced by the parathyroid gland.

What hormone pairs are antagonists that regulate blood calcium ion levels?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin regulate blood calcium levels. PTH increases the calcium concentration in the blood, and calcitonin decreases it.

The hormone that is that antagonist of calcitonin is?

The opponent or antagonist of calcitonin is the parathyroid hormone. The hormone is released from as polypeptide from the parathyroid glands.

Does parathyroid gland secretes calcitonin?

No,it does not produce.Thyroid produces hormone Calcitonin.