

Best Answer

Leighton Baines is the best player in the world. He is better than everyone than the entire Liverpool stff and organization. He is almost tied with the players at Liverpool, but he isnt as good as them yet. He is way better than all the players at Manchester United. Manchester United are the conversation for one of the worst, if not theh worst football clun in the history of the world. There is also a new show on ABC called Lost, andn it is featuring all of the Manchester United staff andn organization

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Q: Where does the planet go if the gravitational pull is removed?
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Which planet has the slowest orbit why?

Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, taking the longest time to complete one orbit, 164.79 years in total. Its distance means that is has further to go to complete one orbit, while it also means that the planet travels the slowest. The further a planet is from the gravitational pull of the sun, the slower it will move tangentially.

How can gas giants have moons based on the collision theory?

Think of it this way: Since gas planets are mostly gas, colliding bodies in space would essentially go through it. If the planet's gravitational pull was strong enough, then the object might get trapped in an orbit around the planet. Hope this helped.

If a rocket was launched from earth and traveled close to the planet mars it could go to orbit how could this happen?

If the rocket from earth looped into the Mars gravitational pull it should be pulled into a orbital path around the planet. But as on earth it would eventually slow down and be attracted to the surface of Mars were it would crash

What planets orbit faster because of sun's gravitational pull?

The closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it revolves around the sun, so Mercury and Venus take less time to go around the sun than Earth, and Mars and the gas giants take longer.

Why is the closer the planet to the sun it quicker it obrit sun?

Two main reasons, first is closer distance, means it has less distance to go around. Secondly, the closer to the sun, the heavier its gravitational pull. Think of it rotating faster because the sun pulls it faster than us.

Related questions

Could you be stationary in space or always falling toward something?

It matters how strong a gravitational pull is from a planet and how close you are to one. You could be stationary if you found out how far the gravitational pull is from a planet and then go out past that number in space.

How are rings on planets created?

Small meteroites get caught in the gravitational pull of the planet, and instead of crashing into it they go into orbit (much like our satellites).

Does the mass change from place to another?

mass of a body doesn't change but your weight (as defined by the pull of gravity) will change if you go to space or to another planet with different gravitational pull than ours

What is an orbit around the sun?

An orbit around the sun is that of a heavenly body, such as a planet, that is mdkjhattracted to the gravitational pull from the sun. The sun is the largest object in the solar system so its gravitational pull is the strongest. The heavenly bodies go around the sun not making a circle, but an oval.

How does the earth go round the moon?

Gravitational Pull :)

The initial speed that an object needs before it can leave a planet and go into space is known as?

This is referred to as the escape velocity. This is the speed that an object must reach in order to overcome the gravitational pull of the planet to make it into space.

Where would the moon go if there is no gravitational pull?

to the grounds earth

Does moon has its own orbit?

The moon does has its own orbit around this planet, believe it or not. The moon does have its own gravitational pull strong enough so it won't go crashing into the Earth , yet not that strong to break out of Earth's gravitational reach to the moon.

How does the earth and other planets go around the sun?

gravitational pull

On what planet would you be the heaviest?

The weight depends upon the mass of the planet. A larger planet has a larger gravitational 'pull', hence Jupiter, being of a great mass objects will weigh the heaviest. To calculate your weight on other planets go to the website below, under 'Related links'.

Would the planets continue in their orbits if the Sun was removed?

No, i think they would go hurtling off into space. No, all the planets in our solar system orbit the way they do because of the sun's gravitational pull on them.

When an astronaut is in space his or her body is acted upon by an increased gravitational force from the Earth True or False?

this answer is false because when you go into space you start to float. So the answer is false. You loose the gravitational pull not gain gravitational pull.