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answer is A. c Edmund kells

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W.C. Roentgen is the dentist who constructed his own x-ray machine in 1895. He accidentally discovered X-rays while experimenting with cathode rays in his laboratory.

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john baker

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Q: Which dentist constructed his own x-ray machine?
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What is constructed knowledge?

Constructed knowledge refers to information or understanding that individuals create based on their own experiences, observations, and interactions with the world around them. It involves actively processing and organizing new information to build on existing knowledge and form personalized insights or conclusions. This process is essential in learning and cognitive development.

How multiplex building are constructed?

Multiplex buildings are constructed by combining multiple individual theater spaces into one complex. This involves constructing separate theaters within the building, each with its own seating, projection equipment, and screens. The design must also include common areas such as lobbies, concession stands, and restrooms to serve all the theaters.

Why programmer must know model of microprocessor before writing?

Because each microprocessor type has its own unique machine code.

How is the central conflict made worse by the events in chapter 6 of The Time machine?

In Chapter 6 of "The Time Machine," the central conflict of the protagonist's struggle to return to his own time is worsened by the Morlocks stealing the time machine. This event complicates the protagonist's plans and increases the urgency of his mission to retrieve the machine and escape the dystopian future world of the Eloi and the Morlocks.

Will a root of a tooth dissolve on its own?

No, a root of a tooth will not dissolve on its own. If there is a problem with a tooth root, it may require treatment such as a root canal to address the issue. It is important to see a dentist for proper evaluation and treatment.

Related questions

How do you get teeth out?

Either you pull itm out with your own two hands or you go to the dentist, I'd prefer the dentist

If you have had a root canal and a apecoectomy on a bottom molar and you've had discomfort but an xray showed there was nothing wrong is a second apecoectomy possible?

This is something your dentist can only answer. However, I'm amazed at how many of my own friends are going in for root canals and having pain after (should't be happening.) It has turned out that there can be up to 4 canals to some teeth (normal is 2). Go back to your dentist and ask him/her this question. You may also have a slight infection.

Do you need to be a dentist to own a dental practice in Wisconsin?


Did Michelangelo build his own tomb?

No, he did not, it was constructed after his death.

Who constructed the Paiute tribe's homes?

The tribe constructed their own teepees . They were a plains tribe so used tepees for shelter.

Do you have to go through nursing to be a dentist?

No - dentistry is its own course.

Can a non-dentist own a dental practice in Wisconsin?


Is it ok to cut your own tongue frenulum?

No! Let the dentist do it!

One who is medically qualified to take care of people's teeth?


Can you make your own DVD's for a Karaoke Machine?

yes , you can make your own DVD's for a Karaoke Machine.

What are the advancement opportunities for a dentist?

you get lot's of money a year, and you get too know so many parts of the have 4 years of collage and medical school

Why is a polar wandering curve constructed?

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