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Q: Which law allows a spaceship to accelerate by burning rocket fuel?
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How does the first and third law of motion apply to a rocket launching?

1st. The rocket sets still until a force, burning fuel, causes a change in motion. 2nd. F=ma The force of the burning fuel causes an acceleration of the rocket. 3rd. Action/reaction. The action of hot burning gases leaving the rocket causes a reaction, which is the motion of the rocket in the opposite direction. Note: The exhaust does not need to hit the ground to cause the reaction. A rocket engine ignited in outer space will cause a change in the motion of the rocket.

What is the pulling or pushing force from a spaceship?

I think this is a question about how a rocket motor works. If you burn high explosive fuel in a closed box and the box is strong enough, the box won't move because the forces on all the walls balance each other out in all directions. But if you open a hole in one wall, then suddenly there is imbalance, and the unbalanced force on the wall opposite the hole will force the box to accelerate in that direction. A rocket motor is exactly such a box, which is continually fed with high explosive fuel.

How does Newton's third law explain how a rocket accelerates?

If a rocket pushes the burning gases towards the Earth, then - according to Newton's Third Law - those same gases push the rocket away from Earth.

How does a pressure rocket work?

The same way a chemical rocket works. Instead of burning fuel to create a force to propel the rocket, stored pressure released in one direction propels the rocket. Both chemical and pressure rockets make use of Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the function of recovery system a rocket?

The function of a recovery system on a rocket is to allow it to gently return to the earth. This allows the equipment to be reused in later launches to cut down on costs and down time.

Related questions

How could a toy rocket accelerate after takeoff?

As long as the thrust is more than the weight of the rocket (toy or otherwise) the rocket will accelerate. When the thrust matches the weight, the rocket will cruise. When the thrust is less then the rocket will slow.

Which engine does a real spaceship have?

Hydrogen/Oxygen rocket motor and chemical rocket motors.

What rhymes with a very tiny spaceship?

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How does a spaceship get into orbit?

The thrusters at the bottom of the rocket ship.

What causes a rocket to accelerate?


What is the Hinky Pinky for Spaceship Holder?

Undoubtedly "rocket socket."

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a rocket locket?

How does a spaceship get back to earth from the moon?

they get in the rocket and flies in to the nearest waters

Was Robert Goddard famous for inventing the first rocket?

Yes, he was very famous, although he did not invent the rocket: he build the primitive spaceship: a space rocket.

How do you get the spaceship to work in the mud?

you need to put power-ups in the rocket to make it fly

What are Rocket Science Facts?

It takes a rocket only 8 minutes to accelerate to a speed of 15,000 miles per hour