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Oxygen is needed to help burn the sugars and fats we consume, to release the energy stored within them. The food is used to generate a molecule called ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate. In simple terms, ATP is a basic unit of stored energy that can be transferred from cell to cell. A complex cycle of chemical interactions, the Krebs Cycle, is responsible for producing the ATP in aerobic organisms like ourselves. The Oxygen is not used directly, it is used by one of the constituents to 'dump' electrons and refresh itself to a state where it can be used in the cycle. So without a supply of Oxygen, the cycle will grind to a halt.

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9y ago

That is one of the basic questions! You need energy to perform the various body activities. The energy is generated by biological oxidation of the food stuffs in your body. The biological oxidation means there is step wise oxidation. This is analogous to getting down from top of the building by staircase. If you jump down, you will break your legs. The process of oxidation can not be performed with out the oxygen. You will die within five minutes, if you do not get oxygen.

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Q: Why does our body need oxygen?
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