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Yes, you can have a cervical spine (first part of the spine, closest to the brain) and the cervix in women (junction between vagina and the uterus.

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Q: Can cervical refer to more than one body system Explain?
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When Mild cervical lymphadenopathy was noted can cervical refer to more than one body system?

Cervical refers to the neck, and/or the neck of the uterus.

What does cervical mean?

Cervical means pertaining to the NECK.So it can refer to two unrelated parts of the body:- the neck region (e.g. cervical vertebrae)- the cervix or neck of the uterus (e.g. cervical cancer)

What system of the body does the word urilogic refer to?

The male reproductive system.

What body systems are severely affected by ovarian cancer?

Cervical cancer affects the female reproductive system.

What structure is the missing body of the second body of the cervical vertebrae?

The cervical vertebrae do not have ribs attached.

What is the name of the body system that covers your body?

The integumentary system is used to refer to the skin and its derivatives, i.e. hair, nails, glands and receptors

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The organ is the esophagus and the system is digestive.

Are these cervical mucus bad for body?

no is not

What does the renal system refer to?

The renal system is a system in the human body that removes waste from the body. It is closely related to the urinary system of the body. The renal system includes the kidney and the liver.

What is meant by no cervical ribs present?

Cervical ribs can not exist in normal body. No 'cervical ribs PRESENT' is a good news! A cervical rib can interfere with blood flow in the upper extremities.

What vertebra does not have a body?

atlas ( 1st cervical )