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Fibro myalgia. My/o is the combining form meaning muscle. -Algia means pain. Myalgia equals muscle pain.

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Q: What Diseases end in in the suffix -algia?
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Algia or Dynia

What suffix means pain or suffering?


What is the suffiix that refers to pain?

Both the suffix "-dynia" and the suffix "-algia" refer to pain.

What does the prefix algia mean?

The prefix "algia" refers to pain or suffering. It is commonly used in medical terminology to indicate a condition involving pain.

All the suffixes for pain?

Pains, painful, painfully, painless, painlessly, painfulness, paining, painsome

What does the medical terminology combining form -algesia mean?

Algia means pain. Some examples are neuralgia (nerve pain), analgesia (no pain), etc.-algia is a suffix that means pain or painful condition.-algia is a suffix meaning pain or painful condition.pain

What does laryngalgia mean?

laryngalgia means larynx pain. Algia is a medical suffix that means pain.

What is a word with the suffix algia?

nostalgia, cardialgia, cephalalgia, otalgia, neuralgia, odontalgia

What words have the suffix odynia?

Some words that have the suffix "-odynia" include "cephalodynia" (headache), "dysmenodynia" (painful menstruation), and "goniodynia" (pain in the knee). The suffix "-odynia" is commonly used in medical terminology to indicate pain or discomfort in a specific area of the body.

What is the medical term meaning gland pain?

Adenodyniaadenalgiaaden/o (root word referring to glands)-algia (suffix for pain)