Your intervertebral disks have not gotten smaller.
The medical term for fibrocartilage disks that divide a joint into two compartments is "meniscus." The meniscus helps to evenly distribute weight and reduce friction between the bones in the joint.
they are floppy disks
It is a set of four rescue disks.
Four (4) startup disks are needed to boot Windows 2000 from floppy disks.
GRANA is the answer to:vertical stacks of disks are called
The disks were in the computer, ready for class.
Computer disks are not volatile. Only RAM is.
Basic disks and dynamic disks are two types of hard disk configurations in Windows. Most personal computers are configured as basic disks, which are the simplest to manage. Dynamic disks can make use of multiple hard disks within a computer to duplicate data for increased performance and reliability.
SIC 3695 covers places manufacturing disks
Xbox Exhibition disks was created in 2002.