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NEC in this context means necrotizing enterocolitis.

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What does the medical abbreviation NEC FASC mean?

Necrotizing fasciitis

What does the medical abbreviation nec mean?

NEC stands for "necrotizing enterocolitis," which is a serious condition that affects the intestines of premature infants. It is characterized by inflammation and tissue death in the intestinal lining and requires prompt medical attention.

What is NEC in medical billing?

NEC stands for Not Elsewhere Classified.

What do the medical abbreviations NEC and NOC mean?

NEC stands for "not elsewhere classified" and is used to indicate that a specific condition or diagnosis does not have a specific code in the classification system. NOC stands for "not otherwise specified" and is used when there is no specific code available to describe a particular condition or procedure.

What does Nec Metu mean?

Without fear. Sometimes used as a phrase Nec spe, Nec metu - Without hope, without fear

What does mammogram NEC mean?

Mammogram not elsewhere classified

What does the foreign phrase nec plus ultra mean?

nec plus ultra is a Latin phrase meaning 'nothing beyond' / 'nothing better'

What does edward say when Bella says she is having a baby?

He was speechless and frozen. =========================================== Klatu Bratta Nec*cough*

What does 'rehab proc NEC' mean?

It means "rehabilitation procedure not elsewhere classified"

What is the population of NEC?

NEC's population is 2,011.

What is NEC's population?

The population of NEC is 31.

What is NEC's motto?

NEC's motto is 'Empowered by Innovation'.