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Planes of the Body: Anterior-Front of body, Posterior-back of body, Midline-Vertical line from the top of head to the ground, Midclavicular-Vertical line down the Clavicle (through the nipples), Midaxillary-Vertical line through the armpit(axilla)

Directional Terms: Right & Left- The patients R&L, Superior- Closer to the head, Inferior-Further from head, Lateral-Toward the Outside, Medial-Toward the Inside/middle, Proximal-Closer to midline/trunk, Distal-further from midline/trunk, Superficial-Closer to or on the skin, Deep- Further in the body away from the skin, Ventral- The belly side, Dorsal-Spinal side, Palmer-The front of hand, Plantar-bottom of foot, Apex-Tip of structure

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Q: What is body planes and directions in medical terms?
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How they significant the directional terms?

directional terms have many significant by their directions in the body..if the patient feel pain in abdomen they have significant by their directions

What is extension in medical terms?

Extension in medical term means the action of stretching part of your body.

How might you approach body planes and directions?

The division of the body into sections from front to back, right and left, and top and bottom by the use of the midsagittal plane, the traverse plane and the coronal plane. Along with the movement away from or towards these planes.

Input and output in medical term?

Input and output in medical terms is fluid going into the body, and fluid leaving the body.

What does deep in medical terms mean?

In medical terminology, deep means far away from the body surface.

Seven organizational approaches to studying the human body?

Keeping in mind that the seven organizational approaches are (1) Body planes and directions, (2) body cavities, (3) quadrants and regions, (4) anatomy and physiology, (5) microscopic to macroscopic, (6) body systems and (7) medical specialties.1. Planes & Directions: Planes & directions are used to describe position and location and guide us much like travel directions or a GPS.2. Body Cavities: These tell us which general part of the internal body we're looking at, like a specific city on a map.3. Quadrants & Regions: These serve the same purpose as Body Cavities but from an external point of view.4. Anatomy & Physiology: Anatomy is form, structure. Physiology is function. These go hand in hand. The structure of a bone, limb or organ can often give clues as to its function, and vice versa. It's as important to understand and appreciate how the body is structured as it is to understand and appreciate how it works. Comprehension of one enhances understanding of the other.5. Micro to Macro: To better know this complex organism called your body, you need to know its structures, processes & functions from the ground up and that means starting with our most basic unit and ending with a complete, functioning body. Microscopic is what we cannot see with the naked eye -- atoms that form molecules, moelcules that form cells. Macroscopic is what we can see and examine without microscopes -- tissue formed from cells, organs formed from tissue, body systems formed from organs.6. Body Systems: A body system is an organ or group of organs that, along with other structures and tissue, work together to perform a specific function. By learning how body systems operate and how they interact with and are dependent on each other, we better understand ourselves and how disease affects them and us.7. Medical Specialties: These medical disciplines focus on specific body systems, how they function, how to keep them healthy and on the diseases and disorders that impair them. One example is Gastroenterology. This specialty focuses on the care of and diseases & disorders of the digestive system.

Why should you have an understanding of anatomy while taking a medical terminology class?

Medical terminology class includes many terms with which a student of anatomy will be familiar. Learning medical terms for body parts as well as medical terms for conditions, procedures, etc. simultaneously would be much more challenging.

Why are body quadrants and body regions critical when it comes to the medical field?

they are standardized medical terms commonly used to reference numerous body situations from symptoms such as pain to disease to injury, etc.

What is fiz ee OL oh jee in medical terminology?

"Physiology" in medical terms means related to the function of the body or its parts.

What does extra corporeal mean?

In medical terms, extracorporeal refers to a procedure performed on the outside of a body.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the neck and arms?

If it is directional terms superfacial for upper body.

What is a Flap in medical terms?

In medical terms, a flap refers to a piece of tissue that is partially detached and remains connected to the body at one end. Flaps are often used in surgeries to cover wounds or repair tissue defects.