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Stoma ? Os is a mouth-like opening. Foramen is a hole in bone through which nerves etc. can pass.

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Ventricular septal defect means a hole between the ventricles.

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A foramen (plural foramina) is the medical term for an anatomic hole in a bone.

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Caries is the medical term for a hole caused by decay. It is both singular and plural.
We call this usually blackened spot a cavity.
A cavity

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Q: What is the medical term meaning a hole found in a bone?
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What is the hole in the temporal bone?

The hole in temporal bone is known as parietal foramen...

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The medical term for one nose hole is naris (plural nares). Nostril is the more commonly-used term.'nose hole is another name for 'nostril'nasal passage

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Bone marrow is a red compound found at the centre of large bones in the body. It helps the body to make blood cells and have immunity against diseases. A bone marrow donor has a small operation, where a small hole is made in their hip bone. Some bone marrow is removed, under local anaesthetic. This bone marrow is then given to the bone marrow recipient.

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Would a person die becaues there's a little hole in his skull?

It's unlikely, but possible, depending on how the hole got there. Trepanning - or the process of creating a small hole in the skull for medical purposes - can actually preventdeath in some cases. This may be done to relieve cranial pressure, which can occur as a result of traumatic brain injury. The hole may be temporary (as in the case of caniotomy, where the piece of bone is put back as soon as possible), or permanent (as in the case of a craniectomy, where the bone is not replaced).

What does it mean if there a hole in your cranium?

There is a hole in your skull, the bone that protects your brain and constitutes the majority of your head.

Hole in the ozone layer is found?

The hole in ozone is found at the poles. Antarctica has the biggest hole.

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"Hole" meaning?..

Where was the second hole in ozone found?

The second hole was found over Arctic. Opposite to that of the 1st hole.

Is a hole a noun?

Yes, "hole" is a noun. It refers to an empty space or opening in a solid object.

Name of bone cantain a large hole called a foramen magnum?

yes that is correct