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A Scratch Is: A scratch is a mark on your body that could be coused by hiting somthing, or taking your finger nail and rub it hardly aganst your skin. As a verb:

When you itch, you feel something uncomfortable on your body, and you take your finger nails and run them up and down on the uncomfortable surface (You scratch it). Then, the place where we call it scratched, feels normal again. A scratch.

As noun:

A scratch is a very shallow cut that barely breaks the skin.

As an adjective:

A feeling that you have scratches on some part of your body "My throat was sore and scratchy"

Other non-health related meanings:

* a small amount * the Devil * remove from a sporting event * write badly

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Excoriate is the medical term for scratch.

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Excoriation is the medical term meaning scratch.

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