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Stapedectomy: Is the surgical removal of the top portion of the stapes bone and the insertion of a small prosthetic device known as a piston that conducts sound vibrations to the inner ear.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the stapes?
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What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the stapes bone and inserts a piston that conducts sound and vibrations?


What means Surgical repair of the middle ear?

Canaloplasty is the medical term meaning surgical repair of the auditory canal, as in aural atresia. Related terms are meatoplasty (surgical repair of the meatus, or opening, to the canal) and otoplasty (surgical repair of the pinna, or external ear).

The surgical procedure of removing an ear bone?

To remove something is called an "-ectomy" (out + cut + procedure = excision). Ossiculectomy: removal of all the ossicles/little bones Malleoectomy: removal of the malleus/hammer Incudectomy: removal of the incus/anvil Stapedectomy: removal of the stapes/stirrup

What is stapedectomy?

Stapedectomy is a surgical procedure in which the innermost bone (stapes) of the three bones.of the middle ear is removed, and replaced with a small plastic tube of stainless-steel wire (a prosthesis) to improve the movement of sound to the inner ear.

Where are the bones known as the hammer anvil and stirrups in your body?

In the ear. Their medical names are malleus, incus and stapes respectively

What job do the stapes do?

I'm guessing that the stapes vibrate against the cochlea. :)

What is the meaning of stapes?

The innermost of the ossicles of the ear; the stirrup, or stirrup bone; -- so called from its form. See Illust. of Ear.

The stapes are more commonly referred to as the?

The stapes or stirrup is the small bone in the middle ear.

Muscle that is attached to stapes?

The stapedius muscle is attached to the stapes. It is the smallest striated muscle in the human body.

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The oval window is found on the?

The oval window sits immediately behind the stapes, in the middle ear.

What are the causes of otosclerosis?

People with otosclerosis often benefit from a properly fitted hearing aid. The surgical replacement of the stapes has become a common procedure to improve conductive hearing problems.