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crin/o or crine

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Q: What is the medical terminology combining form meaning secrete?
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endo- (meaning "in", "within", "inside") -crine (meaning "secrete")

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Thyroid gland is normally called "thyroid gland" in medical terms. The combining form is "thyroid-".

A gland that secretes through ducts?

either endocrine or exocrine According to my medical terminology book the correct answer would be exocrine. Endocrines DO NOT have ducts.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning out of?

In medical terminology, the prefixes ec-, ecto-, ex-, exo-, and extra- refer to out or outside. One example is extracranial, which means pertaining to the outside of the skull. Another example is exocrine glands that secrete substances to the outside of the body, such as sweat glands. Ectopic pregnancy is another, meaning a pregnancy with the fetus outside the womb, such as in a Fallopian tube.If referring to the state of being low in supply or out of something in quantity, the medical term is oligo- . Examples are oligouria (not enough urine production) oligoamniosis, which means low or no amniotic fluid during pregnancy.If using the term to mean without or none, then the term used would be a- or an-. Examples are analgesia (substance that removes, relieves, or takes you out of pain), asystole (flatline or without a heartbeat).If using the term to mean reduced, removed, or taken off, then the term used would often include the prefix de-. Examples are decapitated, decelerated.

What is the branch of medical science concerned with the glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream?


What is the meaning of testicle?

One of the essential male genital glands which secrete the semen.

What is the medical term meaning external secretion of a gland?

Endocrine glands secrete internally, directly into the bloodstream. Exocrine glands have ducts.

What do hepatocytes secrete?

They secrete bile. They secrete bile.

What is a plaque in medical tems?

It's a biofilm that colonizes the tooth surface. It's made up of bacteria and the compounds that they secrete.

What is the medical term meaning goiter?

If the amount of stimulating hormone is excessive, the thyroid will both enlarge and secrete too much thyroxin. The result--hyperthyroidism with a goiter. Graves' disease is the most common form of this disorder.