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Antibiotic,antiseptic etc..

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stomach acid

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Q: What may help kill bacteria that may be in eaten food?
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How can temperature be helpful for food?

Cooler temperatures help preserve foods, higher temperatures kill the bacteria and prepare the foods so they can be eaten.

Why cooking in food is necessary?

In some cases, with vegetables and fruits, it isn't always necessary to cook the food, as many of them can be eaten raw. Meats should be cooked to kill any bacteria and help prevent food borne illness.

How does tinning food kill bacteria?

Food is cooked to kill bacteria as it is canned; the cans then keep out any new bacteria.

How do you kill bacteria in food?

Boil it.

Why do we cook food?

Its to kill any germs or bacteria found in raw foods. Of course, some foods dont have those bacteria, so they can be eaten raw.

Does fruit essence kill bacteria?

Normally fruit essence is a food for bacteria. Acidic fruit, such as citrus, or vinegars, can kill some bacteria.

Why do you need to cook food fully?

Some foods do not need to be cooked fully, for example, tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked - or anywhere in between. Other food, such as chicken, must be cooked completely to kill any bacteria in the flesh. The bacteria can cause food poisoning, salmonella or even e-coli.

What do you use to help kill bacteria?


How is bacteria helpful to people four ways?

Bacteria in our digestive tract help break down food so that we can assimilate it. Bacteria in the soil help break down soil nutrients so that plants can assimilate it. Bacteria in milk help turn milk into cheese. (That's all I've got right now.)

How are blue green bacteria helpful?

they help kill bad bacteria in your body

Can saliva kill bacteria?

Well there are lots of helpful, symbiotic bacteria in your saliva that help kill lots of harmful bacteria and viruses; so in a way, yes.

Does pickling food kill bacteria?

It creates an acidic environment which many bacteria cannot tolerate.