the figure skating record
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
mens figure skating, womans figure skating, dance skating, and pair skating
my friends and i call it skating
Yes, there are many records in figure skating. For example there is points records in each category (mens, womens, pairs, and dance) and in each level (eg senior, junior, novice) then there is records for most triple jumps in a program(short and long), most quads etc. there is records for most revolutions in a spin. there is many more these are just a few.
I love figure skating!!
uhhh no. figure skating is in an ice arena...
No, a pinwheel is not a figure skating jump. It is a skating move the a group of skaters can do.
The sport figure skating was first played in 1772. A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Englishman Robert Jones, is the first known account of figure skating.
People usually learn and do figure skating at an arena
U.S. Figure Skating was created in 1921.
Forms of figure skating date back to prehistoric times. Figure skating competitions began in the 9th century.