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No! She was too young (only 12)!

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Q: Did Shawn Johnson compete in 2004?
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Does Shawn Johnson compete in competitions other than the Olympics?


What year did Shawn Johnson compete in the Olympics for the first time?

If I could answer it I wouldn't have asked it

Can Shawn Johnson compete in college?

Shawn can't compete in college because she is a professional athlete which means she has accepted sponsors. To be eligiable to compete in college, you need to be an ametuer athlete. Shawn had said that she wants to help out or coach part-time in college gymnastics though.

How long has Shawn Johnson been on the international team?

Shawn Johnson has been on the international team for four years since 2004-2008

Is Shawn Johnson going to compete in 2012 olympics?

No. She has retired do to a knee injury. She injured herself while skiing in 2010.

When did Shawn Johnson compete in the Olympics?

In 2006 Winter Olympics held at BARDONECCHIA, Italy Shaun White won gold in Men's Half Pipe Snowboarding category.

What place did Shawn Johnson get on bars?

No, those were the two events Shawn Johnson did not win a medal in at the 2008 Olympics.

Has Shawn Johnson been to Iowa?

Shawn Johnson lives in Iowa.

Did Shawn Johnson brake a bone?

no! shawn johnson did not break a bone

A quote of Shawn Johnson?

Shawn has many quotes, you can check them out @, THE official website of Shawn Johnson.

What is Shawn Johnsons full name?

Shawn Machel Johnson .Peace is her signature.

When was Shawn Johnson born?

Shawn Johnson was born on January 19, 1992.Shawn Machel Johnson was born on January 19, 1992.