Considering that Osama bin Laden is dead already, the reward is defunct, but when he was alive, the reward was for $25 million. (The reward was never paid since the information on bin Laden came from electronic sources, not personal informants.)
Another reward that a teacher can provide besides getting paid, is self reward.
Gladiators were paid a reward if they won.
Typically nothing, and you can be criminally charged in some jurisdictions. You would only be paid to return a felon to the police if there is a reward out for their capture. How much you would get paid would depend on the amount of the reward.
You do something, then benefit from it, i.e.: get a job and work, get paid.
You do something, then benefit from it, i.e.: get a job and work, get paid.
The act of helping gives you all the pleasure or reward you require for the act. You don't expect to be paid or receive any other reward for it.
His borther brought him to the attention of the Feds because of the distinctive writing style of his letters. If it wasn't the brother, then I don't believe the reward was paid out.
Community Assistants are paid employees. Anyone else that contributes to WikiAnswers is doing so voluntarily.
Education is for your benefit, and it is its own reward. You should not have to be paid to learn things that you will need to know in order to be successful in life.
The reward for the person who told the best story in The Canterbury Tales was a free meal paid for by the other pilgrims at the Tabard Inn.