Its probably only worth its weight in silver. As long as it is not sold as being real and is clearly sold as a replica or example of a counterfeit item, it is legal to sell.
This depends on what form the silver is being sold in. Silver can be considered antiques, which can be sold at antique stores. Or if it's silver jewellery, it can be sold at resale jewellery stores.
Silver is sold in its natural state.
No. But silver can be sold. As can slivers of gold.
Actual Silver Weight or ASW is .18084oz of pure silver.
The ASW (Actual Silver Weight) of all 90% US silver dimes is .07234oz
approximate to 35 grams weight in silver medal
The ASW (actual silver weight) is .18084oz pure silver.
I am pretty sure a silver record is 100,000 or 250,000 sold...Gold is 500,000 sold and platinum is 1,000,000 sold
no it sold in silver
Silver Weight : 0.3617 Troy Ounce
Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver coins.