As of 2021, it is estimated that there are around 150,000 individuals named Elise worldwide. This number can vary depending on the source of data and how the name is spelled in different languages.
Elise Depardieu's birth name is Elise Ventre.
no, savannah and elise are the best names in the world! haha
Elise Ray's birth name is Mary Elise Ray.
Elise Horn's birth name is Truda Elise Horn.
Alexandra Elise's birth name is Alexandra Elise Brimner.
Michelle Elise's birth name is Michelle Elise Goldman.
Elise Eberle's birth name is Elise K. Eberle.
Elise Claire's birth name is Elise Claire Gipson.
Elise Cantu's birth name is Stephanie Elise Cantu.
Elise Testone's birth name is Elise Nicole Testone.
Elise Bartlett's birth name is Elise Bartlett Porter.