No, Odysseus did not kill Hector's son in the Trojan War.
Odysseus is an epic hero. Based on what you know about the Trojan War and Odysseus, write a paragraph predicting what you think The Odyssey will be about.
Odysseus is an epic hero. Based on what you know about the Trojan War and Odysseus, write a paragraph predicting what you think The Odyssey will be about.
Odysseus was the one who came up with the idea of the Trojan horse.he cries
the Trojan horse
No, the Trojan Horse was Odysseus's idea.
Odysseus thought of it.
Rather than just referring to the Trojan war, all throughout, Athena was helping Odysseus.
No it was Odysseus. Achilles was the muscle, Odysseus was the brain.
the Trojan war
he was in the Trojan horse