No. Although wolves are powerful predators, they are nowhere near as strong as bears.
No, bears are stronger and heavier than wolves, but wolves are faster, lighter, smarter and eat meat warm or frozen. On the other hnd bears eat fish and certain animals. BUT BEARS ARE KINDA PICKY WHILE WOLVES ARE SCAVENGERS! ---------------Actually, bears are stronger, but I believe they are also just as smart if not smarter than wolves. Bears are very opportunistic and being omnivores actually have a wider range of foods they can eat compared to wolves.
Dragons are mythical, oxen are not. An ox exists dragons do not.
No it is not stronger than any bear.
Depending on its health and strength of the ox, an ox is capable of fighting down a bear. A healthy, strong ox can fight off any bear, but would get some injuries from the bear. If the ox charged and gored the bear with its horns before the bear attacked it, the ox would most likely win the fight with the bear. An ox can still gore a bear even as the bear is attacking. All it takes is the right moment and right timing for that ox to let his horns pierce the bear.
It is bigger with more muscular power than a wolf. That's how a bear's stronger than a wolf.
Yes,it is
A male black bear is somewhat a little bit stronger than a male lion.
Yes, bears are typically stronger than humans due to their larger size, muscle mass, and adaptations for survival in the wild. Their strength can vary depending on the species of bear and the individual bear itself.
Of course the polar bear is stronger. Polar bears are bigger and stronger than grizzly bears, while grizzly bears are stronger and larger than lions.
The Coyote's or not even Stronger than the Bear's. The coyote live in some place else but bear's live in other place. Always the bear's are biger than a coyote. Bear's do know how to FIGHT. they get Food from Water, They eat Fish's and other kind of meat! The Bear's like 100 times Stronger than a coyote. Bear's or GOOD FIGHTER. FIGHT LIKE A BEAR...
The grizzly bear. It will bite the large ox's face.
It depends on the health and size of the two animals, and the position of where are they attacking. If the ox struck the polar bear with its head or knocked its chest, the ox would win the fight. If the polar bear swiped and clawed the ox to death, the ox would be a meal of the polar bear.