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In my experience it is best to not try to dye your hair if it has not been washed within the last 48 hrs., especially if you sweat a lot, because dirt etc tends to cling to oily or sweaty hair which causes the dye to not work properly. It is the same with hair that has product like gel or hair spray in it. You could try it but I would not guarantee it would work. It would possibly come out splotchy.

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Q: Is it okay to dye sweaty hair?
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I have dark hair but know hair pretty well. For example, my friend had blond hair and died it to brown. When you dye hair, the old color goes down to the end of your hair, so it will be lighter on the bottom. If you wash your hair the color will get lighter. If you dye your hair darker when it's light, your hair will be different shades and the dye usually doesn't stay in long. Also dying your hair that aggressively isn't healthy for your hair.

Why won't streaks of my human hair extensions dye?

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