This is a Half Balboa ("Medio" is Spanish for "Half") coin from Panama (KM#12b). It is made of copper-nickel clad around a cented of copper, weighs 11.3 grams and measures 30.6mm in diameter (the same size and materials as a US half dollar, but 0.04 grams lighter). 400,000 were produced in 1980, and according to the Standard Catalog of World Coins, an example in Extremely Fine condition is worth US$1.75, an example in Uncirculated condition is worth US$3.50, and an example in Brilliant Uncirculated condition is worth US$6.50.
Please check your item again and post a new, separate question. The last $10 silver certificates were dated 1953, and no US bills are dated 1980.
The treasury didn't issue notes dated 1980. please check your note again and post a new question
Please check again and post a new question. The US didn't print any $5 bills dated 1980.
The US didn't print any $1 bills dated 1980. Please check your bill and post a new question.
The US didn't print any $20 bills dated 1980. Please check again and post a new, separate question.
No, they dated in the 1980's but that was it..........
A collector might pay a dollar or two, but anything dated earlier than 1997 has since been demonetized in Britain.
Mine is dated with a sticker 1980
what is the value of the German mark coin with horse on back dated 1923
I don't know the value. I have 2 watercolors by the same artist dated 1968. Anybody?
The Irish coins are part of a redundant currency and have little or no value. See the related questions for the English coins.