Goodbye, Friend. Its Russian, I believe.
The name of President Dos Santos' ex-wife, who is Russian and the mother of Isabel dos Santos, is Tatiana Kukanova dos Santos.
Vadanya does not translate to anything. Dasvidania means "googbye" in Russian, though.
What does the term mean prompt in dos
Dos Lagos
The Russian equivalent of Skylab is called "DOS-7." DOS-7 was launched in 1982 as part of the Salyut program, which aimed to establish a long-term orbital space station. DOS-7 was also known as Salyut-7 in the west.
Dos por Dos means Two times two 2x2
El número dos.
Dos y dos means "two plus two" in Spanish.
Messes in the two stations are("Dos meses en dos estaciones son" is Galician.)
how much is/are 2 and 2
"Dos arbolitos" means "two trees" in English.