Ong Iok-tek was born in 1924.
noep ttk heir ttk gamble iok avert iok horse iok sith ttk augor msk awr berok ttk naku ttk and konqr
pok iok gjp opk sjshh sjj
it goes through al your files, and shares it to the world.
Hananoyuk el fisyu? Hu iok surtys!
Prophet Jehosu (Shri Jehosu Yogi), Supreme Grand Master of Illuminates Of Kemet (IOK).
try a cassarole with a salad Iok I know, that's 2
32-7+7=32 so, -7+7=0
At a distance of about 12.88 billion light years, it is unlikely that it will still be there when you reach it. At a speed of "c" (Speed of light) you would still be unlikely to be able to reach it, as most further galaxies are receding at close, if not faster, than the speed of light. If however, the Universe was static, it would take about 12.88 billion years to reach it at the speed of light. As this is not possible, lets put this into perspective. The fasted man made craft is Voyager 1, so far travelling at 35,700 mph. At that speed, it would take a mere 241,900,000,000,000 years to reach IOK-1.
One of the earliest galaxies known to man is the galaxy IOK-1 and is estimated due to redshift to be 12.88 billion years old, only 750 million years after the Big Bang.