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Q: What does it mean to be seated?
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A person who is seated or sitting.

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What does seat mean?

A person who is seated or sitting.

What does sentado mean in spanish?

sentado means sitting or seated

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1778 seated liberty donnla real or fake?

I have NO idea what a "donnla" is. If you mean "dollar", the first coins to use the Seated Liberty design appeared in the 1830s.

What does E noho mean in Maori?

"E noho" in Maori means "sit down" or "stay seated." It is a common phrase used to instruct someone to sit or remain in a seated position.

Is it seated or sited?

seated or sitted

How many ways can five student be seated in circle?

have a frined to help u out {in the mean time I believe the answer is that five students can be seated 120 different ways and still be "in circle" as you requested.} Shift+]

How many guests can be seated in the state dinning room?

It depends on which state dining room you mean.

What does 2 pinholes on your 1875 seated dime mean?

The Liberty Seated Dime was minted from 1837 to 1891 by the US Mint. There may be two very small holes in the coin that may effect the value of it.

What is a seated coin?

If you mean the series of US Liberty Seated coins (1837-1891) on the obverse or front of the coins Liberty is seated, body facing right an head facing left. The denominations of the series are: Dollars, Half Dollars, Quarters, Twenty Cent pieces, Dimes and Half Dimes.