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What you are referring to is the 1924 Peace dollar. It is not misspelled! It simply uses the Latin alphabet where the "U" is the same character as the "V" today. Both the Peace dollar and the Standing Liberty looks like it says "In God we Trvst" but both coins use the Latin alphabet for stylistic reasons. It is not an error.

A 1924 Peace dollar is a common coin, only worth silver scrap. At the moment it is worth about $23 or so in silver value.

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1924 silver dollar?

how much is a 1924 silver dollar worth

What is a 1924 silver liberty dollar with the word trust misspelled?

That depends on the supposed misspelling. If the U looks like a V, that's actually correct.

Is trust spelled with a v on a 1924 silver dollar?

I have a 1924 silver dollar and, yes, it does have trust spelled with a "v".

Is a 1924 silver dollar pure silver?

The 1924 silver dollar is not pure silver. It is mixture of 90% pure silver and 10% copper.

What is the value of 1924 silver dollar?

A 1924 United States Peace Dollar is worth anywhere from $20.00 to $300.00.

What is the Value of US 1924 silver dollar?

A 1924 United States Peace Dollar is worth anywhere from $20.00 to $300.00.

Value of 1924 silver liberty dollar?

$19 to $177

What is a 1924 American eagle silver dollar worth?

It's a 1924 Peace dollar not a American Silver Eagle and the date is very common with values of $14.00-$19.00 in circulated condition

What is the value of a 1924 US 100 dollar silver certificate?

The US never printed 100 dollar silver certificates with this date.

What is the value of a circulated 1924 Silver Dollar?

A 1924 Silver Dollar would include the Peace Dollar. If its mint state is very good (VG-8), the value is: $20. Should the mint state be MS-60, the value increases to: $35. A 1924 silver dollar is a Peace dollar, values for circulated coins are $17.00-$26.00. The term "Mint State" is used only for uncirculated coins.

What is the value of an 1924 v stamped silver dollar?

Any silver dollar that has a letter or number added to the coin reduces it to the silver value only, about $12.00

What is worth of a 1924 liberty silver dollar?

A 1924 Peace dollar is very common and has values of $16.00-$20.00 in circulated condition and $22.00 for uncirculated coins.