Месть (myest, pronounced 'myes-t') is the Russian word for revenge or vengeance.
Others include the borrowed pеванш (revansh, pronounced ruh-vonsh), мщение (mshchyeniye) and отмщение (otmshchyeniye) and жажда мести (zhazhda mesti).
In Russian, "loyalty" is translated as "верность" (vernast').
loyalty is the English word for loyalty
to ensure their strength and loyalty
The Swahili word for loyalty is "usalama."
show respect to your loyalty
the Russian word for so is tak.
russian word for naughty
The Russian people showed their loyalty to the tzars because they and their family would end up murdered if they did not. The royal family was killed by Lenin who worked to very much the same modus operandi.
The word "loyalty" has three syllables: loy-al-ty.
The Russian word for wife is "жена" which is pronounced as "zhena."
The plural form of loyalty is loyalties.
The word for loyalty in Swahili is "uthabiti."