Sparta is the capital of Lacedaemon.
Athens is the capital of Greece.
Depends on the time period you want. It was mainly Athens, but during the wars between Athens and Sparta, the latter had the title of capital when they won.
Athens and Sparta are in Europe. Athens moved on to become the current capital if Greece.
no, Sparta and Athens were both the wealthiest city-states in Ancient and Classical Greece. they were totaly different city-states, Athens was the largest, but frankly Sparta is just more famous!
The Greek letter L (looks like an inverted capital V) which stood for the Spartan territory of Laconia.
In ancient Greece there were city-states each with his own capital. Usually the biggest town (and the richest) was the capital. The area of Attica (modern southcentral mainland Greece) had Athens, the area of Lacedemonia (modern Pelloponisos) had Sparta.
This is Sparta! = Dies ist Sparta!
sparta, sparta and SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Parthenon was not a country, but a temple in Athens. There was no capital of the Parthenon in the sense of a capital city. However, Athens was arguably the most important city in Greece at the time-- which was not a united country, but a group of city-states. Athens was a polis (city state) like Sparta or Thebes.
Sparta, this is most definitly Sparta!