If somebody authorises you to do a specific task for them you are working for them under their auspices. Auspices means endorsement. It means acting on behalf of somebody else with their permission . I you give somebody permission to act for you are giving them your auspices.
When the auspices the stable floor gets wet
under the auspices of
Find it your own
Sure, a synonym for "auspices" could be "patronage" or "support."
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board was created under the auspices of the Financial Accounting Foundation.
The word is spelled 'auspices' and it literally means 'signs of good luck'. The expression 'under the auspices of' an organization means under that organization's sponsorship.
The word "auspices" means support, authority, or sponsorship.
It's Chartered Organization.
it means some sort of support or resource Try Auspices
The American Colonization Society
In Lovetch, the brand Great Wall is manufactured under the auspices of Chinese entepreneurship
the bird is auspice because they are not feeling good