The opposite gender for an ox is cow, specifically a female ox.
An ox is a neutered male bovine. The opposite gender to an ox is a female bovine, commonly known as a cow.
There really is no opposite or antonym of an ox or oxen. Oxen genders are a bull or a steer, if castrated, and a cow.
There really is no opposite or antonym of an ox or oxen. Oxen genders are a bull or a steer, if castrated, and a cow.
Ox wide is how wide is an ox.
an ox an ox haha ITS A OX
An ox was all alone in a field. One ox met another ox. They were no longer an ox and another ox but had become a pair of oxen.
The possessive singular of the singular noun ox is ox's.Example: She placed a string of bells around the ox's neck.
a nother name for an ox is an oxi or oxes or ox a mother ox is called a ox a male called oxi and more than one ox oxes
No. The ox is a stable sign while the horse is the complete opposite. Communication is poor between these 2 signs. The reason why this is a bad match is because the horse cannot stay or work in one place for too long otherwise they lose interest where as the ox is a sign of stability and will see the horse as disorganized and unreliable.
Ox-tallow is the fat of an ox. Ox-tallow was first used by the Ancient Egyptian's in their scented cones.
an ox is an ox. its a mammal and are bovines trained as draught animals