what is the current price of a troy ounce of silver? price of troy ounce of silver?
Sterling is 92.5% pure silver, so there is 0.925 of a Troy ounce of pure silver in 1 Troy ounce if Sterling.
todays price how much is a toy ounce of silver worth price troy ounce silver
09/01/08, the price of one troy ounce of silver was $13.58 & on 09/30/08, the price of one troy ounce of silver was $12.96
As of 3 July 2014, the price of silver is $21.07 per troy ounce.
how much is silver selling for per ounce price per sterling ounce of silver silver per troy ounce how much is silver per ounce anyique Rogers silverware , How Much “how much is silver per ounce What is the per ounce price of silver? Curent price of silver 4 oz of 99.9 percent of silver worth how much is sivler per ounce 1 Troy Ounce of Silver, 99.9% pure silver HOW MUCH IS SILVER PER GRAM? How much is sterling silver an ounce? current price of silver per ounce price of silver how much is silver per once? how much is silver per ounce currant price of silver What is the value of a silver coin containing one ounce of silver i have 10 grams how much is that worth today how much is silver per ounce? What is value of aMorgan dollar? what is the price of silver by the ounce how much is sterling silver going for now? I have a sterling silver chain and pendant that weighs about .5 oz. What is its approximate
The value of a one troy ounce 999 fine silver Sunshine Mining coin can vary based on the current market price of silver. It is worth approximately the spot price of one troy ounce of silver, as it contains that amount of pure silver. Additional factors like collectibility or rarity may also influence its value.
On October 19, 2011, 1 troy ounce of .999 pure silver is currently 31.20 per ounce. 10 troy ounces is around 312.00. Past Prices: As of April 5 2011 1 troy ounce of .999 pure silver closed at 38.48 and 10 troy once is worth 384.80 As of October 12 2009 1 troy ounce of 999+ pure silver is now at $18 10 troy ounce average price is now around $189 As of October 1, 2007, 1 troy ounce of silver is worth about $13.69. Depending on the the condition of the silver (e.g. is it in a rough cast bar, jewelry or a bullion coin) and who you sell it to (e.g. coin dealer, jeweller, pawn shop), 10 ounces would probably net you around $100 - $120.
The value of 12.8 grams of pure silver would depend on the current market price of silver. You could multiply the weight of the silver (12.8 grams) by the current price per gram to determine the total value.
A troy ounce is about 31 grams and the US standard ounce (avoirdupois) is about 28 grams. When buying coins, or gold or silver, you get more by getting a troy ounce. The price of gold and silver is in troy ounces. So, for example, if gold is $1400 an ounce, that price is for a troy ounce. A 28 gram ounce of gold is not worth $1400.
Ok, chances are this is a (one? it should be labeled one ounce or two ounces or whatever troy ounces) troy ounce silver round. It is not an official government issue which is why it doesn't have a date on it and is stamped copy but it should be pure silver! Its value is dependent on the amount of silver in it. Assuming it is 1 troy ounce of pure silver, it should be worth about $34 or so at the time of writing, although its value will increase and decrease based on the price of silver.
about 16$