You ovulate 12- 14 days after the first day of your period. You will have some signs of fertilty, a slippery egg - white mucas discharge. If your trying to get pregnant I would recomend having sex on day 11, and everyother day after that. Cause your egg only lives 24 hours but the sperm lives 4-6 days, so your chance is higher when trying to concieve. You only have a small window of oppurtunity . I hope this helps. Good luck !
If you have a 28 day cycle (which is the average), you will ovulate around day 14. Two weeks later you will get your period (if that ovulation cycle didn't result in fertilization of the egg), then two weeks after that you will ovulate again. But cycles can differ greatly from woman to woman and can be affected by hormones and stress levels.
Most women do not ovulate on the same day each month but rather around the same day. There is a very easy way to learn when you ovulate. See related link.
Women ovulate every single month.
Yes They Can
Yes; that's what happens in a woman with one ovary.
It is uncommon but possible for some women to ovulate twice in one month. This phenomenon is known as "ovulation twice in one cycle" or "double ovulation." It typically occurs due to hormonal fluctuations, but it does not happen regularly for most women.
no, did you get your period?
On average, women in the US go through menopause at age 51. After menopause, women stop ovulating.
Pregnancy can accur anytime a women ovulates. A women can ovulate anytime of the month, even if they are on their periods!
Yes. A woman is fertile pretty much every day of the month. Only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day every month so unless you check every month you don't know when you ovulate. The sperms also live inside for almost a week. A orgasm can also make you ovulate again.
Women ovulate around 14 days after their last period.
Depends on the circumstances of the penis. Was there precum? Maybe. Was there ejaculation? The chances are greater that you get pregnant during your ovulation, but some women get pregnant anytime of the month. well, just think of it this way--when you ovulate is in fact the ONLY time in which you can get pregnant. and it is possible to ovulate at any time.
every women ovulates at a differeent time. but generally there is a 48 hour period in the middle of your cycle. so if you always have your period at the beginning of the month then you would ovulate in the middle of the month.