The larger of the stars represents leadership and the four smaller stars represent the four classes of people underneath the leader I.E. the workers, thetherapists, the manny petties , and capitalists sympathetic to the Party. .......
The largest yellow star represents the Communist party and the smaller yellow stars represent the four social classes: peaseants, workers, bourgeoisie, and capitalists.
Red represents Mao's communist revolution
China's Flag, or the flag of China, is a mainly red flag with 5 golden stars embellished upon it. The red is to symbolise the Revolution, and the Stars are to represent the leadership change during this time.
Red and white
China's flag is red with five yellow stars.
China has a red flag with a yellow star
For good luck
red and white
China's flag's color was chosen for many reasons. In ancient China, yellow was the emperor's color and red was the color to scare the evil spirits. When Mao took over China, he chose red as the background because it was powerful color and the Soviet's flag also had red as the background. Mao chose 5 yellow stars because yellow was the color in Soviet's flag and it was the emperor's color. The 5 stars represent the jobs in China. China's flag looks similar to USSR's flag.
China's flag, the five-starred red flag, was designed by Zeng Liansong and selected in July 1949 out of a pool of 38 finalists.
Communism, the blood of the revolution.