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She had five older sisters named, Mary Jane Mosey, Born in 22 April 1851 and died in 1867, Lydia Mosey, Born 6 August 1852 and died 8 March 1882, Elisabeth Mosey, born 5 April 1855 and death unknown, Catherine Mosey, born 17 March 1857 and died 8 November 18 1859, Sarah Ellen Mosey, born 4 April 1858 and death unknown, one little brother named John Henry Mosey born 17 August 1862 and died 31 March 1949, and one half sister named Hulda Mosey born in 1863 when Susan wise, Annie's mother remarried after Jacob Mosey, Annie's father, died.

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Annie Oakley had 1 sister and 5 brothers

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