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Q: What is the next month in this series January March June October March?
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How many months are between October and March?

From the 1st of October to the 1st of March is 5 months. Between the month of October and March are the 4 months of November, December, January and February.

Month with thirty days?

January, March, May, July, August, October, December.

What month is winter in Europe?

Part of December all of January and February and part of March

What month has 31 days in it?

Tons of months do... January, March, May, July, August, October, and December

Which months have a prime number of days?

If this is a riddle, then the answer is that every month. They all have 7 days, for example.If not, the answer is January, March, May, July, August, October, December and a leap-year February.If this is a riddle, then the answer is that every month. They all have 7 days, for example.If not, the answer is January, March, May, July, August, October, December and a leap-year February.If this is a riddle, then the answer is that every month. They all have 7 days, for example.If not, the answer is January, March, May, July, August, October, December and a leap-year February.If this is a riddle, then the answer is that every month. They all have 7 days, for example.If not, the answer is January, March, May, July, August, October, December and a leap-year February.

What month has the most days?

The months with 31 days. January, march, may, July, August, October and December

What is Minnesota's snowiest month?

The coldest month is January

What month is after march?

April. April is the month after march! Here are all the months in order: january february march april may june july august september october november december!

What are the month of the year?

# January # February # March # April # May # June # July # August # September # October # November # December

Is their 80 days in a month?

No, there aren't The maximum is 31 days -January, March, May, July, August, October, December.

Which month has 7 letters?

January and October

What month was five months ago?

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.Count back from the current month.