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cash crop

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Q: A crop grown to sell on the world market?
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What is a crop grown only to sell?

cash crop

What to sell at market day?

What you have grown for sale.

What is to gather or take a harvest?

Harvesting means to take the crop after it is grown and use it for yourself or to sell. To take in a crop, or gather a crop, is to harvest it.

What is market oriented agriculture?

it is when crops are grown to sell to consumers only.

About a fifth of the potato crop was ruined by a flood another fifth of the undamanage potatoes spoiled while being hauled to market How much of the original crop could the farmer sell at at the prod?

About a fifth of the potato crop was ruined by a flood. Another fifth of the undamaged potatos spoiled while being hauled to market. How much of the original crop could the farmer sell at the produce market

What was an accomplishment of the Nile River?

When it flooded it left a great amount of very fertile soil, thereby allowing crops to be grown. Durring this period the people of the nile went and collected silt to fertilize there crop and to sell at the market...

Why is rice so important?

Because this is the most basic kind of crop grown in the world. China is the country that has produces the most and consumes the most. Rice is also used for economic reasons. People sell rice and earn a living from it. This crop has also fed tons of family around the world.

What makes a crop a cash crop?

When you sell that crop or grow it to sell

What makes a crop into cash crop?

When you sell that crop or grow it to sell

What makes a crop into a cash crop?

When you sell that crop or grow it to sell

How were subsistence crops different from cash crops in the southern colonies?

Cash crop is a crop that is grown and gathered for the market (for example vegetables, cotton or tobacco.) Cash crop is a crop which is grown for money. Subsistence crops are those fed to the producers own livestock or grown as food for the producers family, with little or nothing left over to sell.

Why are crash crop primarily raised for?

To sell for money because of a low supply and a great demand. Like after tabacco was discovered in the 13 colonies it was grown by settlers to sell back to England