It is the same word GROoovy
when it is groovy
It depends on the country you're in. Consider the following colloquial but accepted ways to say "groovy": In Mexico you can say "Padrísimo"; in Venezuela and Colombia: "Chévere"; in Argentina: "Bárbaro". Good luck from Miami, AP.
what do you think ? You came to the right place ? The correct answer is when it is groovy.
The Latin word for another is Alius.
Groovy is an adjective so you can always put another adjective in front of it as in:gnarly groovy dude (ahem). And can also precede groovy as in wild and groovy or chic and groovy (personal favorite). Growing up in the '60s does have a few advantages.And following groovy..... groovy chick or groovy coiling
groovy ketchup and teenybopper
groovy ketchup and teenybopper
It is the same word GROoovy
Garath Hale played the Groovy Word Bender in sketches of Hale and Pace. That tramp is a lady That lady's my baby There ain't no maybe Groovy Baby And when we kisto She's so irresisto Her Breasts Taste of Bisto Gravy Booby From "Aint Got no Daddio - Bastardio"
It means cool or awesome. Another answer: Vinyl records had a groove in them that was played by a needle. The sixties was the decade in which youth and music became big issues. 'In the groove,' derived from placing the needle into the groovy of the latest popular record, referred to something that was up to date and 'trendy,' 'with it' and 'all the rage.' In time in the groove was shorted to groovy, which meant that something was good, approved of or fashionable.
a smoothy that is groovy