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good day dad i love you alot, what are you doing?

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Q: Buenas dias papi te amo mucho que estas haciendo?
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What do hondurans say when greeting each other?

While passing someone on the street, one says Adiós. The word usually means "Good-bye," but in this case it is meant as a general greeting.

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How do Spaniards greet each other?

To greet a Spaniard or Spanish speaking individual you would say Que Pasa?, What's UP?, or Hola, Buenos dias, Buenas tardes, or Buenas noche. You can also say Hola, como estas, Hry, How you doing? you say heyyyyyyyy waz up G

What does buenas dias mean?

good day or good morning

What are some greetings to say in spanish?

Hola = Hello Buenos dias = Good-morning/-day Buenas tardes = Good afternoon/evening Buenas noches = Goodnight Que tal? = How's things? Como estas? = How are you? (informal) (Stress on first 'o', final 'a') Como esta usted? = How are you? (formal) (Stress as above)

How do you say goodafternoon in spanish?

"Good afternoon" is actually a very common phrase in Spanish. The proper way to say "good afternoon" in Spanish is "Buena's Dias".