A riddle
A riddle (according to Batman)
Promise or your word.
"The answer to my riddle" is not specific....Whose riddle? What riddle?
As I understand it, a metaphore is a riddle used to teach something, or with a hidden meaning.
A riddle is something that does not fit; If you think about it a riddle is a question with a twist. That means the unanswerable riddle is the unanswerable question with a twist or play on words for example
Is this a riddle or something
try writing about something you like.
This is a riddle. The answer to the riddle is that the pocket has a hole in it.
A Riddle
An example clue is a piece of information or evidence that helps to solve a mystery or puzzle. It can be a hint, a riddle, a code, or a hidden object that guides someone in the right direction towards finding the solution.
'Stamp on his foot'.
A Riddle
Fairy Riddle: What is beautiful, mystic, and shy? Something you may not touch, see or hear? Something only you can define? A: A Fairy. Sorry if this didn't help :(
It's actually playing second fiddle, not riddle. It just means taking a "backseat" to someone or something. In music, first fiddle are the really good "important" parts, and second are the ones in the back row playing backup.
Out of the eater came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet.