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Flowers for Algernon involves a story about a man named Charlie Gordon who is about thirty years old and is M. R. His 'friends' take him for advangage at times. He makes the decision of taking several tests to improve his IQ. One of the tests he takes involves Algernon, a white mouse... in this test charlie has to solve a maze (on paper) and Algernon runs through a maze to get a piece of cheese. After several tests, Charlie Gordon's mentality and way of thinking improves. He is able to draw conclusions and starts to have emotions, rather than the literal perspective he has had before. His IQ becomes higher than the average level. Soon, changes appear in Algernon and Charlie. Algernon no longer wants to solve the maze and is slow moving. Charlie has a hard time remembering things and this troubles him. He realizes that his knowledge will fade away as fast as it came. Awakenings the movie involves a anti-social man named Dr. Sayer who wants a job. He settles for a job at a place treating people who currently have had a disease in which their brain freezes, and it seems as though they are unaware of their surroundings. Some patients have had this disease for over 30 years. One of those patients is a man named Leonard Lowe. Dr. Sayer tries to 'wake' these patients by giving them a certain amount of a drug. This temporaily makes the patients active; Leonard has one of the greatest changes and soon wants to live a normal life again. Though, the drug wears off, for the patients bodies' become used to the drug. Dr. Sayer and Leonard both get to see the joys of living.

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Q: Compare flowers for algernon and the movie awakenings?
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