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no, not realy. staff does :D

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Q: Does math rhyme with laugh
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Does laugh rhyme with autograph?

Only the graph part, but maybe as close as you can get.

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How do you make a math jingle?

make it rhyme

How do you make a math rap?

write something about math. then change the words to make it rhyme

What rhymes with naff?

Gaff, staff, graph, half, and laugh rhyme with naff.

What type of people laugh at math?

No one truly laughs at math, but maybe people that want to laugh with the teacher because they feel sorry for them ... or just trying to be a suck up.

What are sad words that rhyme with laugh?

calf, half, staff, scarf, giraffe

Is bath a rhyming word?

It rhymes with math, laugh, and path.

How does a hawaiian baritone laugh math puzzle?

a low ha

Does laugh have a short a sound?

Yes, the word laugh has a short a sound, pronounced like "laf."

Is half a long or short vowel word?

Half is a short vowel word. It has the short 'a' sound.