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Q: How do you make french gray?
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What does gray mean in French?

Gray is translated 'gris, grise' in French.

What color is gray in French?

Gray is gris (masc.) or grise (fem.) in French.

How do you say gray cat in French?

"Un chat gris, is how you say gray cat in french

Is there any food the color gray?

There is a delicious meat dressing for fowl that the French Canadians make at holiday times, called "Cretonnade". Cretonnade is slate gray as served.

What colour is gray in french?


What is the French word for the color gray?


What colors make gray?

black and white make gray

What is gray in French?

gris, grise une souris grise = a gray mouse Il a les cheveux gris = he has gray hair

What does gray and white make?

A lighter gray.

What does grit mean in french?

Probably "gris", meaning gray/grey. There is no "grit" in French.

How do you say gray socks in french?

Chaussettes gris

What colors do you mix to make gray?

To make gray, you mix black and white.