

Best Answer

"c'est offert par la maison / sur le compte de la maison"

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Q: How do you say 'on the house' in french when giving something for free?
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What is the meaning of free quotes for painting?

Giving a free quote for panting means that some one is offering services of painting a house or something else They will look at the job for free to tell you how much it will cost to do the job.

What does it mean when something is ''on the house''?

When something is "on the house," it means that it is complimentary or free of charge. This phrase is often used in restaurants or businesses to indicate that the item is being provided at no cost to the customer.

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Harry Potter set Dobby, the malfoy's house-elf free by giving him socks.

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It means you get something for free or on the house

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your face was the bank that had problems trying to tell something

Is Google giving away any free stuff?

There is no such thing as free. It costs energy to go to this site and search something up on google, but in general they aren't.

What is an example of a free good?

In economics, a free good is something that is not scarce; meaning that it is unlimited. Some examples would be sunlight, the air you breathe, the warmth that the sunlight is giving etc.

What is an example of free goods?

In economics, a free good is something that is not scarce; meaning that it is unlimited. Some examples would be sunlight, the air you breathe, the warmth that the sunlight is giving etc.

What happens if you fall asleep with your shoes on at a house party?

people can do whatever they want and if you fall asleep at a house party with your shoes on its giving people a free pass to violate you

Where can you read the house of night series online for free without downloading anything?

You can't. You have to donload something.

How do you set a house on fire in sims free play?

i think you have to bake something that has the option thta it will burn

Is the government giving away free replacement windows?

is the gov giving away free replacement windows