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The Spanish word for "Neptune" is "Neptuno." It is pronounced, "Nep-TOO-no." Sites such as provide audio pronunciations of many common Spanish words.

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Q: How do you say Neptune in spanish?
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What are 2 important things about Neptune?

some people say neptune has 8 moons but other say neptune has 11...... neptune is the eihgt planet from the sun.

Did the planet Neptune shrink in diameter?

Yes, scientists say Neptune is shrinking as we know it.

How are uranus and Neptune different?

They are actually very similar. I can only say that Neptune is farther away.

Which is the coldest planets?

Neptune or Uranus is the coldest Planet. Some reference sources say it's Neptune others say it's Uranus. There's very little difference between them. Neptune is the furthest from the Sun, but it has an internal heat source.

What are some rumors about Neptune?

The story of Neptune is itself a part of mythology.

How do you say 'Pluto is right of Neptune' in french?

Pluton est à la droite de Neptune (Pluto is right TO Neptune), or Pluton est près de Neptune (Pluto is right next to Neptune)

How long does it take for Neptune to make one trip around the moon?

I am sorry to say but neptune orbits the sun not the moon.

How do you say sister n law in spanish?

Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.

Where was the god of the sea neptune born?

Roman myth does not say where.

How do you say hi i still in spanish?

How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.