

Best Answer
  • In Latin: cantare est bis orare ("to sing is to pray twice")
  • In Spanish:
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Q: How do you say When you sing you pray twice in Spanish and in Latin?
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Related questions

Who wrote when you sing you pray twice?

St. Augustine said, "Those who sing well pray twice."

How do you say Those who sing well pray twice?

St. Augustine of Hippo said, "Those who sing pray twice." He did not say you had to sing well. As an old Army chaplain once announced when I was in basic training, "I want everyone to sing. If you have a wonderful voice, you should use it to praise the Lord. If the Lord didn't give you a good voice, now is your chance to get even."

How do catholics pray and how often?

We Pray The Prayers Jesus Taught Us. And We Pray As Often As We Want. And they pray twice when they sing!

Why did monks sing to help their prayers?

If they sing to God they think it counts twice as much as if they just pray to him. They pray to God approximately seven times a day.

What do the Jewish do at the synagogue?

they pray and sing

English translation of term canta libre?

Spanish stems from Latin. The Latin canto means "to sing" and libri is "book" - canta libre translates as "songbook" or "hymnal."

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What kind of music is primarily performed on Latin American Idol?

Performers sing Latin American or Spanish American pop music. The music must be sung in Spanish, even by Brazilian contestants whose native language is Portuguese.

Where did Saint Augustine say 'who sings prays twice'?

Saint Augustine is often credited with saying "He who sings prays twice," emphasizing the spiritual benefit of singing in praise and worship. This quote can be found in his writings in the form of "Qui cantat, bis orat" in Latin.

What a Christian will do in a church?

Preach, pray, sing, worship.

How do you say sing in latin?

Cantate Dominum : sing to the Lord

Name something they ask you to do in a church?

Sing, pray, give money, pray, be quiet, and stand up.genuflectsingkneelsitstandcontributekissmarrylectorreadchant