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Translation: calcetines morados

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Q: How do you say purple socks in spanish?
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How do you say socks in Spanish?

Strangely enough, there is no word in Spanish to represent sock. To say socks in Spanish, you say "medias", but you cannot say "media" because media means 30, as in 2:30.

How do you say ankle socks in spanish?

tobilleras or tines

If there were 6 purple socks and 4 orange socks w hat is the probability that he picked 2 purple socks?


How do you say socks and shoes in Spanish?

las zapatillas or las pantuflas (depending on where you are/from)

Are socks purple?


Why are your socks purple?


How do you say My socks are white in Spanish?

Mis calcetines son de color blanco

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Translation: bestia morada

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Translation: ardilla morada

How do you say dark purple in spanish?

Translation: morado oscuro

How do you say purple penguins in spanish?

Translation: pengüinos morados

Is it true that monkeys only wear orange socks with purple socks?
